
PRINTUP INSTITUTE provides experts and/or equipment dedicated to printing electronic components. The platform is open to all types of collaboration or service provision, for both academics and companies. After an in-depth feasibility study of the projects, services can be provided on an ad hoc or permanent basis, from one hour to a week.

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SourceMeter >> KEITHLEY 2600B

The 2600B SMU Series SourceMeter system is a current and voltage source measurement solution for discrete and passive components, sensors…

Digital Multimeter >> KEITHLEY 3706A

The KEITHLEY 3706A digital multimeter provides a tightly integrated switch and measurement system to meet the requirements of stand-alone data acquisition and measurement applications.

Parametric analyser >> KEITHLEY 4200A-SCS

The very high-performance parametric analyser provides synchronised current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and ultra-fast pulse I-V measurements. It enables research and studies into reliability and fault analysis of semiconductor components, materials and processes.

Digital multimeter >> KEYSIGHT 3446

Measures low-power devices with high levels of accuracy, speed, and resolution and automatic calibration to compensate for temperature drift to maintain measurement accuracy. The system is equipped with several graphical features, trend charts and histograms, with data logging mode to facilitate trend analysis and a digitisation mode to capture transients.

Meter >> KEYSIGHT 4980E

The E4980A precision LCR meter offers the best combination of accuracy, speed and versatility for a wide range of component measurements. Offering fast measurement speed and exceptional performance in the low and high impedance ranges, the E4980A is the ideal tool for general R&D and manufacturing testing of components and materials.

Potentiostat >> BIOLOGIC

This equipment measures electrical currents and voltages applied during electrochemical reactions occurring at printed electrodes. It maintains a constant potential difference between a working electrode and a reference electrode, to precisely control experimental conditions such as corrosion, electrochemical deposition, electrode reactivity and many others. This device provides crucial information about the electrochemical processes that occur at the interface between an electrolyte and an electrode.

Point-probe system >> LUCAS SIGNATONE PRO4 4

The Pro4 offers a simple and reliable means of carrying out sheet and bulk resistivity measurements. The measurement is performed by a computer-controlled Keithley to measure in the ideal current range. A four-point probe is typically used to measure the sheet resistance of a thin film or substrate in units of ohms per square by forcing current through two outer probes and reading the voltage across the two inner probes.

Potentiostat >> AUTOLAB PGSTAT30

The AUTOLAB PGSTAT30 modular potentiostat/galvanostat has a high current of 1 A, a compliance voltage of 30 V and iR compensation capability.
The PGSTAT30/FRA2 system is capable of measuring impedances from 1 m Ohm to 100 G Ohm and capacitances from 0.1 pF to 5000 F and can be used in fields such as bio-electrochemistry, batteries and supercapacitors.

Viscometer >> BROOKFIELD DV2T

The most versatile of the continuous viscometers: measurement of viscosity, temperature, shear stress rate, percentage of torsion, movement according to speed, monitoring of programme stage. Thermostatic measurements are also possible.

Profilometer >> BRUCKER DEKTAK XT

The DektakXT system monitors the precise thickness of thin films on the surface of substrates, with unrivalled repeatability. Thanks to a unique direct-control scanning bearing, the DEKTAKXT system speeds up measurement scan times by up to 40% while maintaining peak performance. Vision64, the 64-bit parallel processing operating and analysis software, enables faster loading of 3D files and faster application of filters and multiscan database analysis.

Contact angle measurements >> KRUSS DSA25B

The DSA25 drop shape analyser measures the static or dynamic contact angle with high accuracy and can also be used to determine the free energy of the surface by taking measurements with several liquids. The instrument provides rapid results on the wettability of a surface, for example to check the quality of cleaned, pre-treated or coated samples.

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