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PRINTUP INSTITUTE 15 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf – Paris 13 – France
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The general structure, as well as the text, animated or fixed images, sounds, graphics, downloadable documents, databases and any other element comprising the site are the exclusive property of PRINTUP INSTITUTE. The whole of this site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The names, trademarks and trading names referred to on this site are the property of the respective parties that lodged them. Any use or reproduction (whether in part or in whole) of the site, the elements comprising it and/or the information featured therein using any procedure whatsoever, constitutes piracy sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code. Nevertheless, information specific to this site may be used by third parties subject to the following conditions: all the information disseminated directly on the PRINTUP INSTITUTE site, with the exception of the iconography, photos, videos, posters, logos and trademarks may be reproduced, represented or re-disseminated by third parties provided simply that PRINTUP INSTITUTE is informed beforehand and that the source of them is mentioned. They may not however be used for commercial or advertising purposes. PRINTUP INSTITUTE reserves the right to prohibit the third parties concerned from using the information defined hereinabove at any time, and without prior notice or having to provide reasons for its decision. In this event, it will inform the person concerned, who shall have 8 working days to cease and desist from its practices. PRINTUP INSTITUTE and its logo are registered trademarks and in this capacity are protected by trademark law. They are the exclusive property of PRINTUP INSTITUTE. All the other trademarks referred to belong to their exclusive owners.
Hypertext links
PRINTUP INSTITUTE authorises any Web site to establish a link pointing towards the URL simply upon having received a request to do so. Any link of this sort shall however be created subject to the legal provisions in force. PRINTUP INSTITUTE reserves the option of prohibiting these links at any time, and without prior notice or having to provide reasons for its decision. In this case, it will inform the person concerned, who shall have 2 working days to bring the link to an end. Ban on mirroring. No placement of the site online by a third party using another URL is permitted.
Malfunctions and viruses
Currently, Internet Explorer version 5 or higher and Netscape version 5 or higher provide optimal functionality with this site. PRINTUP INSTITUTE cannot be held liable for direct or consequential damages resulting from the use of this Web site, or should a third party find itself unable to use it, or should it experience poor functionality, a disruption, or a virus as a result of access to or use of this site or any other sites linked to it.
Linked sites
PRINTUP INSTITUTE disclaims all responsibility for content available on other Web sites with which it has created links or which may have been created without its knowledge. Accessing all the other Web sites linked to this Web site is done at the user’s own risk. PRINTUP INSTITUTE also disclaims all responsibility for any information contained on third-party sites or featuring links referring to the site.
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Personal data
All the personal information you enter as part of the forms featured on the site is intended for PRINTUP INSTITUTE solely for the purpose of better responding to your needs and expectations. You have the right to access, rectify and delete this information subject to the conditions set out in Law No. 78-18 of 6 January 1978 (as amended) concerning data files and civil liberties. You may exercise it directly by mail by contacting the following e-mail address:
Applicable law
These conditions of use are subject to French law. Any dispute which may arise concerning the interpretation and execution of these Conditions of Use shall be subject to an attempt at amicable settlement. In the absence of amicable settlement, the dispute shall be subject to French law and shall be brought before the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Nanterre which shall come to a ruling based on French law.
PRINTUP INSTITUTE – Université Paris Cité – ITODYS – 15 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf – 75013 Paris – FRANCE